Adsense: Contextual Advertising Advice And Tips
Adsense Is One Of The Critical Reasons To Improve SEO On Any Income Producing Web Site.
Blog And Ping Technique For Generating Traffic
Blog And Ping Products Such As RSS2Blog Are Controversial Ways To Improve Search Rankings
Organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Here Are Some Techniques On Getting Good Search Rankings Naturally on Google, Yahoo and Microsoft
Keyword Selection And Niche Marketing
The Key To Success In Internet Marketing And Search Marketing, Is Choosing The Keywords And Niche
Getting Links Back To Your Web Site
Backlinks (Getting Other Sites To Link To Your Site) Is Key To Getting Good Organic Search Rankings
Paid And Unpaid Search For Generating Traffic
Compare And Contrast Two Philosophies Of Bringing Traffic To Your Web Site. Organic vs PPC and CPM.
Ways To Make Money On The Web
Adsense Leverages Your Web Traffic Into Dollars. Learn About Other Advertising And Affiliate Programs
Internet Marketing Gurus And Experts
Who Are The Internet Marketing Gurus And What Do They Offer And How Do They Brand Themselves
Google Alerts
Google Alerts Are a helpful tool for keeping track of search Key word or site performance.
Etrafficjams Are A SEO Company Based In Clearwater, Florida.
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Stores Online (Storesonline) continued
Direct product feed into Ebay and Froogle. You can take a product and
auction on Ebay straight away. It is also integrated with UPS. It is secure, has a built in shopping cart, integrated marketing and e-mail
For those who do sign up, there is an additional StoresOnline
training session within a few weeks of them working the area. 4 hours follow up training, 2 hours Ebay bonus.
TaxVantage service is included.
Relevancy Based SEs
Optimizing Your Site Victor Gonzalez's sites are #1 thru 4 on Yahoo for
"Hispanic Speaker"
a Headline should have 12 words keyword should appear at least 3 times - 90%
of buying decisions are made based on the TITLE
b Description 30 words or less keyword should appear 2 times
c Domain name should contain keyword - preferably at start of domain name
d Hyperlink should contain your keyword
Vertical Portals - a directory or SE that serves an industry. Use Alexa to
figure out what portals get traffic. Register with those portals
Geo Marketing - use a geographical area as a search term.
Affiliate Marketing - you are an affiliate (associate or partner), Amazon
is the affiliate grantor. The visitor doesn't even have to buy on that day.
StoresOnline allows you to sign up affiliates.
Link Strategy
PPC strategy:
If you can afford it, bid to be 1, 2 or 3
If you can't bid to be at the bottom (this works with Yahoo as they place
sponsored links at the very bottom of the page as well as at the top)
Bid the fringe
a mainstream vs non-mainstream e.g. wedding vs wedding dress if you do an
Overture keyword selector on "wedding"
. I don't agree with his use of the terms mainstream vs non-mainstream. I would say longer tail terms or better qualified terms.
b mistyped words - (remember to look at the EBAY CD to find
out how to use to buy stuff ultra cheap on EBAY)
I also found a tool at
Most of the emphasis was on Yahoo in the demonstrations. Victor did refer to Google but never did any searching on it. The Overture tool kept timing out. He did blame the hotel's connection but that tool is famous for that.
You can do it on your own a lot cheaper. However, it will take you a LOT longer with a steeper learning curve. But basically it is a system for lazy people, many of whom will never use it. Most of the people and organizations out there running these seminars understand that people do want to get rich quick, and they want a turn key solution. They are willing to hand over big bucks not to have to work. Unfortunately there is no business which requires no work.
But for those who are lazy-smart, and work at the business, not in it, it will work.
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