Adsense: Contextual Advertising Advice And Tips
Adsense Is One Of The Critical Reasons To Improve SEO On Any Income Producing Web Site.
Blog And Ping Technique For Generating Traffic
Blog And Ping Products Such As RSS2Blog Are Controversial Ways To Improve Search Rankings
Organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Here Are Some Techniques On Getting Good Search Rankings Naturally on Google, Yahoo and Microsoft
Keyword Selection And Niche Marketing
The Key To Success In Internet Marketing And Search Marketing, Is Choosing The Keywords And Niche
Getting Links Back To Your Web Site
Backlinks (Getting Other Sites To Link To Your Site) Is Key To Getting Good Organic Search Rankings
Paid And Unpaid Search For Generating Traffic
Compare And Contrast Two Philosophies Of Bringing Traffic To Your Web Site. Organic vs PPC and CPM.
Ways To Make Money On The Web
Adsense Leverages Your Web Traffic Into Dollars. Learn About Other Advertising And Affiliate Programs
Internet Marketing Gurus And Experts
Who Are The Internet Marketing Gurus And What Do They Offer And How Do They Brand Themselves
Google Alerts
Google Alerts Are a helpful tool for keeping track of search Key word or site performance.
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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Internet Marketing
This site is dedicated to tips, facts and information about search engine optimization, the process of ensuring that a web site gains the place that it deserves in the rankings in the SERPs, that is, Search Engine Results Pages. For our SEO business consulting site, go to Better Search Engine Rank.
It does not pretend to be comprehensive but is more like a non chronological blog, in which notes of interest about particular topics in Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing are assembled in hopefully some sort of content based order.
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If you are interested in getting professional assistance for improving your SEO, then you can contact us or go to Better Search Engine Rank.
Stores Online (Storesonline)
Go to our special report on the Stores Online Seminar.
Web Traffic Generation
It has been reported that it is better to use Yahoo to reach non technically minded people compared to Google. for reverse auction on software projects.
Arbitrage involves buying clicks to get visitors to your site. Once they are there, then you hope that they will click on the Adsense or other monetizing ads that your site has. For example you can buy long tail clicks at a LCPC (low cost per click) and intend that the visitors to your site click on more competitively bid ads on your destination site. Or you can use a search engine which does not charge a lot per click and then direct that traffic to a site which has higher priced clicks. I have experimented with Miva for this purpose, and got lots of traffic that I paid for but nothing that converted to a click on my site. I also tried signing up with Superpages PPC, but they require a business phone number to get started.
Google Adwords will penalize you if your destination site is not enhancing the user's experience, i.e. it just has ads, or there are no links from that page to other sites or to other pages on your site, or the keywords you are bidding on don't appear on your site. This is according to Michael Plante, a Google arbitrage expert.
He also advocates having less ads on a page, so that there is more chance that a high paying ad will be clicked.
Most of his advertising is aimed at the content network because it is cheaper.
His technique is to select the keywords that are the top 6 paying for a particular keyword niche using something like Keyword Elite. These will be used to create the Adsense page. He will then take those 6 keywords and get the 6 top related keywords related to each of the 6 top paying ones and these are what he uses to build his Adwords campaigns. So it works like a funnel, with the less specific keywords funneling through to the more specific higher paying ones.
Yellow Pages, TV, radio are all ways to generate traffic.
Traffic Building Features On A Web Site
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